
Online music platform

What is Spotify?

Spotify is a popular online music app, it was created in 2008. It is free, you just need to have internet to use it. Spotify works on both PC and mobile devices. Normally you do not have to pay any price to have and use Spotify but there some restrictions when you use the free one. Restrictions are like; you cannot choose any song you want, you have to wait for some advertisements, which suddenly showed up while listening music. On premium one, since you pay you do not have those restrictions. You can listen any song you want; you don’t need to have internet connection on you mobile phone, since you can save the songs to listen later. Another advantage is you do not have to wait for the advertisements to pass next song.

Thanks to Shazam-Spotify integration you can listen the songs as free on Spotify.
According to the Spotiy’s announcement in 2013, the most popular woman singer was ‘’Rihanna’’ and among the man he was ‘’Macklemore’’. The most favorite song was ‘’Can’t Hold Us’’.
At first Spotify was free just for first 6 months but now there is not that kind of restriction.
People are tired of listening the same song all the time, Spotify is a great app to help you discovering new popular or old songs. You can also listen on the radio on Spotify. There are lots of and different kinds of radio channels. You will never feel bored during your time spending on Spotify. It is an amazing helper for music lovers. You can find many songs according to your mood such as; morning, jazz, pop, relaxing, party etc. There are different kinds of searching criteria on Spotify, you can try to find music as the name of the song, the name of the album, the name of the singer etc.

How to Use Spotify?

Using Spotify is very simple. You can use it both from IOS and from Android. First, you have to download to app for your device. You can log in both via you Facebook account or you can have a new account on Spotify. When you log in Spotify by your Facebook account, you are allowed to reach your friends’ music lists. On the left top corner of the page there is ‘’Browse’’ button and by clicking it you can discover the most popular songs according to the their types like (pop,rock,jazz,rock,fitness etc.) If you want, you can listen the songs in play mixed mood. There is a follow button and by clicking it, you can add the songs to your playlist. You can reach your playlist from the menu and you can add more songs to there or you can delete the ones you do not like.
Spotify is a great thing letting us to discover new songs from all around the world.

It is also possible downloading songs from Spotify. According to the research, it has more than 60 billion of users. Spotify is a creation from Sweden. The songs playing on the Spotify are actually the ones registered on Sony, EMI, Universal music etc.

Spotify is a great platforms for amateur or popular singers as well, since they can announce their new songs for the first time on there.

You may want to see lyrics while listening to the music on Spotify, which is possible as well. You need to have TuneWiki extension on Spotify to do it. While listening to music by clicking the TuneWiki you can see the lyrics.

It is possible do make specific research by writing just the years’ name to the search place and you will find the songs between those years.

If you want to show your playlists to other people, it is possible to share them or open your profile to let them see.

Spotify is a great app and very popular all around the world, if you are one of the music lovers you should try to have it!


A live broadcast platform

What is Twitch?

Twitch is a popular social media platform where gamers stream their game while playing. It has become very popular since it was created. It is a great web site for game addicts to watch other gamers while they are playing. Twitch is popular especially among new generation. Young people prefer to spend their time on Twitch instead of TV shows. They spend at least 3-4 hour in a day. Gamers stream on web site around 6 hours in a day and when they do it they get money. Watchers can give away gamers sometimes as they desire and sometimes it even becomes a heck of a lot of money.
The highest price that was given away on Twitch is $1.000.000. According to the research there are more than 20 billion people using Twitch all around the world and it is known as the best web site for live performance.

How to Use Twitch?

You have to go web site and create an account and by signing up you will reach the main page. You can connect with your Facebook or if you want you can sign up and then log in to reach the main page. For streaming there are some necessaries, your computer settings should be available for it. You also need to have some programs to connect with Twitch for live broadcast. Some of them are XSplit, FFSplit, Wirecast etc.

How to Live Streaming by Using XSplit?

You need to go web page and download the program by clicking ‘’Download Latest Version’’ button. After downloading you have to have an account from the address. As a reminder you have to pay a price for having the program. You need to log in after the installing part is over. Then from the ‘’Broadcast’’ tab you will reach ‘’Add Channel’’ to add a Twitch channel.

After clicking ‘’Add Channel’’ you need to choose ‘’Twitch/’’ option. You will reach a new page and you need to log in again. You can check your connection by clicking ‘’Test bandwidth’’ button and by clicking ‘’Show Details’’ you can control how good your connection is. If you get a message which is called ‘’your bandwidth to server is probably not sufficient’’ it means your connection won’t be enough for live streaming. You have to make some changes on setting to solve that problem. You have to see a green light on the test screen to understand if your connection is fast enough or not.

When you reach Broadcast tab, you will see the channel you have just added on the ‘’Local Streaming’’. To start a live streaming after start a game, you have to minimize the screen by clicking alt + tab and choose the channel (you added before) by clicking the ‘’Broadcast’’ on the Xsplit. As soon as you choose a live streaming will start. As you see it is a simple process.

The popularity of Twitch has been increasing day by day all around the world and gamers both having fun and winning some prices thanks to it. If you are a game lover too, it might be a good and useful web site for you.


One of the most popular program servicing watching movie and series on the internet

What is Netflix?

Netflix was created by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in the USA in 1997. When it was first created, it used to work as a service which sends DVDs to homes. It started to be very popular in those days in America. As technology developed, Netflix continued to follow up improvements by starting to give service on the internet. Its improvements continued by giving services in many other counties as well and it became very popular. It continues to keep in step with technology, gives services more than billion of people and goes on developing.

Netflix works on TV, PC, iOS, Androids and Windows devices very well. To watch movie or series on Netflix, it is better to have high speed internet not to have problem. You have to pay some price monthly to have and use Netflix regularly. Standard packet costs 9.99 Euro per month and Premium one costs 11.99 Euro. As a reminder, you don’t have to pay first month.

Netflix offers you thousands of movies and series, but it has different movies or series in its list according to the countries. You can add subtitles as you wish. If you want to reach more movies – series by making some changing on VPN, you can do it.

You may come across some problems when you watch Netflix on PC. On Chrome you can’t watch it with 720p quality, there is the same problem on Firefox as well. For watching with 1080p quality you have to you have to use Safari for Microsoft Explorer or Edge. 

Some shortcuts for computer usage;

Shift + Ctrl + Alt + D: For details about screen settings
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + L: For Log savings
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + T: To add subtitle  

Space: To pause and replay

Enter: To pause and replay

F: For full screen

Esc: To exit from full screen

Shift + Left key: For rewinding

Shift + Right key: To fast forward

M: Keep it silent 

How to Use Netflix?

There are some steps you should follow to watch Netflix;

You have to choose an appropriate packet for yourself

You have to have an account by using your e mail address

When you have membership, first month will be free for you and that’s all you can go on to enjoy your time in Netflix.

If you aren’t satisfied you can cancel your membership in first 30 days, in this manner you don’t have to pay anything. It is a good thing to try Netflix, if you like it you can continue to watch it and if you don’t like you can just cancel. It is worth to try!

Netflix started to create its own original programming in 2011. Some examples from them are, House of Cards, Arrested Development, Orange Is the New Black etc.

Netflix customers increases more and more in every year, it is the most popular TV app all around the world and people are very satisfied with using it. If you need help about what to watch on Netflix you will find many offers from the people on some web sites. As a reminder you don’t download anything to watch on Netflix, since they are already available on there. You just need to choose what to watch and enjoy your time!

Netflix services around in 130 countries! One of the best thing about Netflix is there is no advertisement while you are watching your movie or series. Isn’t just great? You don’t have to wait for continuing or your show won’t be hold on in the best part. Hundreds of movies and series are added on Netflix in every month that means you will not be bored of watching the same shows all the time.

There are some popular shows (on Netflix) which you might have heard from the internet such as, Stranger Things, Narcos, Mindhunter, Black Mirror, Death Note, Ozark, La Casa De Paper etc. Not only series or movies, you can also find different kind of documentaries on Netflix.

Unknown Things about Netflix

Netflix was created even before Google

Its original name was ‘’Kibble’’

The most famous show on the Netflix is ‘’Fuller House’’

New workers who are just start to work in Netflix are paid $17 per hour

The first show on the Netflix was ‘’Lillyhammer’’


A great app recognizing music

What is Shazam?

Shazam is a popular app for identifying the music for personal PC, mobile devices etc. It is used more than hundreds of millions of people monthly all around the world. Shazam was showed up by a British company in 2002. Shazam was acquired by Apple and it was worth $400 million and became one of the first apps in Apple’s App Store. It also has partnership with Spotify which is another music app now.

Sometimes you hear a song randomly and don’t know how to find it; Shazam helps you to identify it. It is very simple to discover the song by using Shazam. Not only music it can also recognize the video, film, advertisements etc. It is very simple to use and a free app!

You can also share the music with your friends on Shazam. It is available for Androids, iPhone and BlackBerry. Shazam is also known as the oldest smartphone app.

The most looked up song of all time by Shazam is ‘’Wake Me Up’’ by Avicii. It has been searched for more than 22,813,761 times. The number of Shazams all the time is around 30 billion and the most Shazamed artist of last year was ‘’Ed Sheeran’’.

How to Use Shazam?

Shazam’s working principle is very simple. You should begin with downloading the app. When it is installed and you get the app you will see Shazam sign, you need to touch it once. While music plays you need to touch it, it will take 2-6 second to recognise the song and give you the name of it. Songs that you find on Shazam will be saved on ‘’My Tags’’ part. You can check those songs whenever you want. As a reminder you don’t have to pay a price for having and using Shazam app.

You can’t download song on Shazam but you can do it on Youtube or Spotify by the links that are given by Shazam.

If you log in Shazam by your Facebook account, it will start to work with Facebook and as synchronous and that will give you an opportunity to see the songs listened by your friends. Shazam finds even the old songs.

Apart from just finding the song, Shazam will also show you other information about a song (album, year etc.). If a song is very popular and searched by many people, Shazam finds it in a shorter time. But if the song is too old and not popular it might take a few more seconds to recognize. When you try to find a song by Shazam, it is better to do it in a silent place. Otherwise Shazam can’t hear and recognize it very well.

According to the research people think it is the best one among the similar apps and they are very glad it. It is updated regularly and has new design.
It is claimed that, Shazam is going to be improve more and it will have some improvements soon. Since it is such an easy app to use, it should be available on all music lovers’ mobile devices.


Your personal emoji

What is Bitmoji?

Bitmoji is a new, popular creating your own emoji app. Its creation depends on Bitstrips app’s updating. It is possible to use Bitmoji on Snapchat as sticker, apart from Snapchat it is also used on another apps and internet platforms like, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Gmail, Slack, and Text.
Bitmoji offers you many options while creating your own or someone else’s emoji. You can make it with different captions, different emotions, themes and even more. Bitmoji app works without any problem on both Android and iPhone. It needs 4.1 or later for Androids and 9.0 or later for iOS to work.

When you want to use your avatar in texts to share with others, you can use Bitmoji Keyboard to make it real. It is possible to make some changing on your avatar like changing clothes from the wardrobe options. It is a great app bringing fun to you, during your spending time on the internet. There are some theme packs from the movies that you can have by paying some price, but don’t worry it is very reasonable price.

While creating your character you can try to make it similar to you as appearance by choosing the hair, eyes, nose, eye brows etc. similar to yours. You can also choose a body for your character. You will come across many options once start to create it. It is possible to use your character on your snaps.

How to Use Bitmoji?

First of all you have to download Bitmoji app for your device.
You have to log in with your Facebook account or Gmail.
Activate Bitmoji keyboard by clicking Enable Keyboard section.
You will get the page which you can start to create your avatar. You can do it from the right top corner of the page. You can change the setting as you wish and choose wherever you want to use it.

How to Use Bitmoji on Snapchat?

You have to download Bitmoji app, if you already have you need to log in by your Snapchat account. You will get a new page which asks you to choose your gender. Then you can start to create your character as you wish and save it. Your emoji will be ready to be used on Snapchat, you can use it on your snaps whenever you want.

iPhone users can use Bitmoji to send avatar their friends on iMessage. To make it real, it is necessary to turn on Bitmoji options on iMessage and just by clicking Bitmoji option on the bottom of the textbox you can start to use it.

You can save stickers from Bitmoji to your device and share them by AirDrop with your friends. It is also possible sending your stickers on Slack. Apart from these apps, using Bitmoji stickers on Twitter or Email will give a magic touch to your tweets, mails etc.

Kik Messenger

A safe chatting place giving you an opportunity to chat as internationally

What is Kik Messenger?

Kik Messenger is a popular-free mobile chat app which was created in 2010 by a company in Canada. Fist it was founded by group of university students in 2009. It has more than 170 billion users all around the world especially in USA and England. Kik Messenger app is for İOS, Android and Windows Mobile, but it doesn’t have desktop or web edition for now. It is popular especially for teenagers; it is a great app to know new people from different countries. Kik Messeger is a remarkable app with its basic interface and multiple platforms. It is also successful in performance and low battery consumption. You see people’s profile pictures on the same main page and it is a bit similar to Facebook Home’s Chat Head features in point of notification part. It is not necessary giving individual information about you to use that app; you can start to use it just by having a user name. Users can send each other different similes and gifs on that app. For chatting people you don’t have to register their name like in other apps, you are free to chat anyone you want.

How to use it?

It is very simple to use, after downloading the app you need to log in your account by selecting log in button. You will reach the contacts page which helps you to reach your friends accounts and by using (+) mark you can write your friends’ Kik Messenger users’ name and get in touch with them. You can also check your previous messages from the Conversations tab. When you don’t want to get in touch with some people anymore it is possible to block them on app, you can do it from settings tab Block List part by choosing (+) mark and select the ones whom you want. It is also possible sending photos or videos on Kik Messenger. If you don’t want to send just a photo you can also type a message with your photo. You can also save the photos which you took to send on app, as a reminder on some devices it may ask you if it can access the camera app. It is also possible deleting the photos or videos when you don’t like them before sending. If you want to send more than photos or videos it is also possible like sending Youtube videos, memes or sketches. You can also have stickers some of them are free but if you want to have more you can buy them to enrich your conversation. To show your profile appealing or more beautiful you can change some features settings like adding a good profile picture or changing the chat colour. When notifications sounds bother you, it is possible to turn them off. There is a Kik support page which is ready to help you when you need help about app. If you have some problems about your account such as losing the confirmation e mail which they send you for app, it is possible to be resent. You may have some problems when the application was updated but don’t worry, it is possible to re-installing and continuing to use it.

Where to Download ? 



A matching – chatting app

What is Tinder?

Tinder is a very popular dating app by finding people around you. It was created by Sean Rad - Justin Maaten in 12th of September 2012 and developed by InterActiveCorp (IAC) Company from Los Angeles. Tinder is a location based mobile app for IOS and Android. It’s creation story based on a breaking up between Sean Rad and his girlfriend. It caught the popularity all around the world thanks to being a very enjoyful app. As it is mentioned before, Tinder’s working principle based on your location so, you have to activate your mobile phone’s location setting before downloading it. App shows you other people’s profile according to the criteria that you choose before such as, gender, age and distance. According to the some researches by IAC, people would like to have some online platforms which deactivating some soul-destroying situations like being rejected or unrequited and also making them delighted while flirting. To answer people’s desires Tinder was created as very basic and easy.

How to use Tinder?

Using Tinder is very simple. Firstly you need a profile which you can have by using your Facebook account to show your name, surname and age. You can’t change that information which makes it a confidential app as different from the others. It is also possible to have connection between Instagram and Tinder to show more photos. You can do it from profile tab by choosing connect the Instagram and it will be activated after logging in your Instagram account. There is app setting process which includes new matches, messages, message likes and super likes. You can activate or deactivate them as you wish. After setting you will have a profile page belonging to another person, you will see her or his pictures and some information about that person like name, surname, age etc. under the photo. There are some buttons at the bottom of the screen which are undo, dislike, boost, like, super like. Undo: It makes possible for you to reach you previous swipe but you have to have a Tinder Plus to use that button. Dislike: As you also understand from the mark, you can use it when you don’t want to match that profile. Boost: This button is to raise your profile’s visibility for 30 minutes. You can get it just once in a month for free. Like: It is shown in green colour and you can use it when you like a profile, if that person also likes you profile matching happens. Super Like: You can use that button just for 3 times in a month as a free. When you chose that button Tinder sends a notification for the user of that profile. By swiping right over the profiles you can start to use that buttons.   Matching part is over; you can start to send message to your matches from the message part which is just right corner of the screen. Tips about Tinder It is possible seeing your matches’ last seen from their profiles. It is possible to keep your profile a bit secret by hiding your age and distance from the profile settings tab. Normally, you get notification when you have match, likes, messages or super likes but it is also possible to turn them off. You can add more than one photo to your profile without connecting you Instagram account. It is also possible to delete your account for some reasons. What is Tinder Boost? By paying some price you can have Tinder Boost which has some advantages apart from the normal one such as seeing other people’s profile for 30 minutes and making profile the most popular one around your distance. What is Tinder Plus? You can also have it by paying some price but it is more expensive than Tinder Boost and have more advantages. It makes possible; 5 Super Likes everyday 1 Boost per month Having chance see the previous profile Changing your location on Tinder Turning off advertisements on Tinder   Tinder is a very popular, confidential, easy and good app to meet new people around you. If you are interested you can just try by downloading from GoogleApp as free and start enjoy your matching!  
Where to Download ? 



A great app to download Youtube videos for your pc or mobile phone

What is Tubemate?

Tubemate is a downloading music or video app which was created by Devian Studios. It helps you to have the videos as an MP3 format. Apart from YouTube, it is also possible to download to videos from other web sites like, Vimeo or Dailymotion. It makes it possible to preview the videos before downloading. It is one of the best and popular downloading apps for Android systems. You can save your time while using Tubemate since, it has fast download technology. As a good think, it is free and you can browse the videos directly. It also enables you pause the videos while downloading and gives you opportunity to have the videos in 240p, 720p or even higher. It is also possible to save your videos with Tubemate and a fantastic problem solver when you have on YouTube like, sometimes the videos might be so slow because of the internet or device that it might be like a torture to watch them on YouTube or other web sites. When you come across that kind of problem, thanks to Tubemate you will overcome them all.

How to Use It?

Using Tubemate on your Android device or PC is very easy. First of all you have to download it for your Android. After the downloading process is over, you can start to use the app directly which will take you to Youtube. There are some settings that you may set as you desire on app. Transferring the files to another memory source is also possible. As it was mentioned before you can watch or download the videos from other sources like, Metacafe, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Vuclip etc. By touching the TubeMate mark on the left corner of the app, it is possible switching to video platforms and previewing the video. Downloading process starts just after selecting the gren downloading sign. If you want to download the audio fill you need to choose the field which is in MP3 format from the bottom of the page. When you desire to download the video directly it is better to chose it in MP4 format.

How to Install Tubemate for PC?

Installing the app for your PC is also very simple; all you have to do is; Having Bluestacks on your PC. If you don’t have it, you may download easily. Bluestacks is an app that letting you to have Android apps for your PC. After having the Bluestacks you might install it just by following the steps. Now you need to search Tubemate app to download it. Downloading process might take a bit time and after that you need to install the Tubemate for your PC. Then your PC will be ready to have and use it! You may start to enjoy watching your videos or movies thanks to Tubemate on your PC. Tubemate has become very popular app since it was created and it has so many fans. People like to spend their time on that app and they also think that it is a great think to save their mobile devices’ batteries and not like YouTube. It is updated so commonly that it never lets you down thanks to keeping in step with innovations. According to the users, it is great to be easy-free and they think it is really worth to try!

Where to Download ? 


Ad Block

An advertisement blocker for web browser

What is AdBlock?

The source code for AdBlock was written by a Danish software developer who is Henrik Aasted Sorensen. He says he wanted to develop the previous removing ads program which was based on image size. The original version of AdBlock wasn’t like the new one; it was just for hiding the ads from the pages. Ads were continuing to be downloaded. AdBlock continued to develop step by step and managed to become what it is today. Nowadays, internet companies use so many advertisements to correspond their spending. In some way they are right but after a while it might be very annoying especially if you are an active internet user. Advertisements start to bother you and they may be wasting of time, because sometimes they are short videos or the pictures which are difficult to turn off. AdBlock is the best and the most popular add blocking extension that helps you to hide those advertisements which appears from the all corner of the page. AdBlock supports many different browsers which make it more popular since, people use different browsers on their PC or mobile devices. It was downloaded more than 10 million all around the world. When you block some adversitements once you don’t have to do it again, AdBlock will get them automatically.

How to Use AdBlock?

You need to download AdBlock as free; it will be installed as quickly. After all processes you will get a page and you will see AdBlock icon on the just right corner of the page. By clicking there you will access the control setting. It is up to you setting as you wish, there are some sections which you can control such as, ‘’Pause AdBlock, Block on ad on this page, don’t run on this page, don’t run on pages on this domain’’ etc. There is also option section which you can set another setting. There are some filter lists which you can enlarge your filter settings as well. If you wish add more filter lists it is also possible. On some pages you might wish to enable some ads, in that situation enabling ads by clicking ‘’Pause Adblock’’ section is possible. Some people may wonder if it is trustworthy or not, don’t worry it is one of the most reliable ads blocker app. It will never let others to get your personal knowledge from your device. Ad blocker programs have different kind of working principle which separates them from each other. AdBlock supports different web browsers like Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, Chromebook but not on Internet Explorer. AdBlock app breaks the limits and it accelerates your web browsers without annoying pop up and ads. Normally you don’t have to pay to use your AdBlock app but if you wish to support to developers it is possible to pay some price. It was found that, AdBlock works the best and useful on Firefox. Sometimes it may fail blocking ads but it happens very rarely. It is the best and simple annoying ads app which you can use both on your PC and Android device, as it is such a popular it worth to try for once.  

Where to Download ?
Link For Chrome Link For Firefox

Hotspot VPN

What is Hotspot VPN?

Hotspot is a security and privacy program which was work on VPN software. It saves your device from the threats coming from the internet or local network as a shield. You can surf on the internet anonymously since, it hides your personal knowledge and IP address. It is one of the most confidential choice and known as the most popular one. It has been downloaded more than 350 million times all around the world. It works on all kind of devices as fast – fluently and never causes problems such as slowing your device down. Being very simple and basic for using make it more preferred one. Sometimes you might have some problems while connecting the some web sites, Hotspot VPN is a great helper for you to surf on the sites whichever you want. In some countries, it is possible to come across banned web sites and Hotspot VPN will always be a solution for that kind of situation. You don’t have to change your DNS settings to be allowed those web sites.   Hotspot has two different versions as free and paid ones. When you use Hotspot as free, you may encounter some advertisements on the web sites but, on paid one you will get some support not to come across advertisements. As another positive side of the paid one, your internet speed is faster than the free one. A security and privacy program.

What is Hotspot VPN?  

Hotspot is a security and privacy program which was work on VPN software. It saves your device from the threats coming from the internet or local network as a shield. You can surf on the internet anonymously since, it hides your personal knowledge and IP address. It is one of the most confidential choice and known as the most popular one. It has been downloaded more than 350 million times all around the world. It works on all kind of devices as fast – fluently and never causes problems such as slowing your device down. Being very simple and basic for using make it more preferred one. Sometimes you might have some problems while connecting the some web sites, Hotspot VPN is a great helper for you to surf on the sites whichever you want. In some countries, it is possible to come across banned web sites and Hotspot VPN will always be a solution for that kind of situation. You don’t have to change your DNS settings to be allowed those web sites.   Hotspot has two different versions as free and paid ones. When you use Hotspot as free, you may encounter some advertisements on the web sites but, on paid one you will get some support not to come across advertisements. As another positive side of the paid one, your internet speed is faster than the free one.

Whatsapp Messenger

A free app providing connection

What is Whatsapp Messenger?

Whatsapp Messenger was created by an Ukranian American inventor and computer programmer who is Jan Koum. He wanted to use that name since, it is similar as pronounce to the ’’what’s up’’. Whatsapp became such a popular in a very short time. It has more than 1.3 billion active users. It is known as the most popular connection app. It ensures you texting, sending voice messages, sending images or fields, making call etc. as free with other devices which has the same app. It is one of the most irreplaceable apps for the mobile devices. Actually you have to pay small amount of money after using it one year, but it is just once in a year. Besides iPhone and Androids, you can use Whatsapp Messenger app for different kinds of devices such as BlackBerry, Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian and Windows Phone.

How to Use Whatsapp Messenger?

At first it might seem a bit complicated but actually it is very simple to use. First of all you have to download Whatsapp Messenger app for your device. After installing part is over, Whatsapp Messenger asks you if you accept or not to the terms of use. If you accept the term you will get another page which asks you to your country and phone number. You have to verify your phone number. Then you will get another page that asks you to write your name. Your phone is almost ready to use it, you will see a ‘’Welcome’’ page and start to use the app. On the right corner of the page you will see your friends’ lists which are available on your phone calling list, if they have Whatsapp Messenger account they phone number and name will be transferred to the Whatsapp automatically. You can start to have conversation with them or if you want you can invite other ones who don’t have Whatsapp. There are some tips we would like to mention about Whatsapp. After you text someone, you will see some signs on the conversation part, they have different meanings. For instance,   A clock sign means, there isn’t connection or it is very slow One tick in a grey colour, the message has been delivered but not received Two ticks in a grey colour, the message has arrived at the recipient’s phone Two ticks in a blue colour, the message has been opened and perhaps read Microphone in a green colour, the voice message has been received Microphone in a blue colour, the voice message has been heard Whatsapp shows other people some information such as, If you are online or not, your statues, your last seen, profile picture. By the way statue is just to reflect your mood or whatever you want to write to show other people. If you want you can write things or just put some smileys from the Whatsapp. Sometimes you may don’t want to show those info to the some people; it is very simple to hide them. Blocking someone on Whatsapp Messenger is possible, when you block someone she/he can’t see any information about you and can’t text you. You can also understand if someone block you or not by looking at their profile picture and the text you send them. When you don’t see their picture and the message is not received for a while it means that person probably block you. You can use you Whatsapp account just from a device, when you change the mobile phone you have to have a new account and previous one will be deleted. The creators of the Whatsapp sold it 19 billion dolar price to the Facebook. Users of Whatsapp have been increasing day by day and it makes it more popular and wanted app. More than 50 billion messages and so many pictures are sent on Whatsapp in a day. According to the research people are very satisfied using Whatsapp Messenger app in their daily life and it is the most used app which their use on their mobile devices.



A popular chatting program

What is Messenger?

Messenger is one of the most common and known chatting program which is connected with Facebook. It was created and developed by Facebook and has become very popular since it was started to be used. It is updated very often and it has changed a lot since it was first created. You had to have Facebook account to use Messenger actively but thanks to new updating. Just by entering your mobile phone, you will get a right to have a Messenger account which you can use to connect your friends. There is a new activation which is just used in America for now, it says that you can use Messenger to call Uber drivers and started to be popular and will be all around the world soon. Group conversations are popular on Messenger and to reach them easily you can put it to the top of the conversation page which will safe your time while trying to find your group conversation. It is very simple to do that, you will just click the ‘’Groups’’ icon on the Messenger and by clicking it you can choose the conversation and put a name and photo to your group. It is possible to keep your notifications silent for 15 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hour, 24 hour or until you change it. According to Facebook’s announcement you can send money to your friends on Messenger app. There is a new Photo Magic feature causing face recognition so according to the photo you take, Messenger will recommend you some friends to send them as their appearance on the photo which is a great and time saving activation. It is also possible sending your location to your friends on Messenger. To make your conversation enjoyable you can send GIF and emojis and personalise your messages with them.

How to use Messenger?

First of all you have to install Messenger program for your mobile device, it works without any problem on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android and Windows Phone. You can also reach Messenger page directly from your Facebook app, but you have to download Messenger app for that as well. When installing process is over you will see a page which is written ‘’Welcome to Messenger’’. After that you have to log in for your Messenger account but, if you already have Facebook you don’t need to log in. You can just click the button which is written ‘’Continue as …..’’. Now you are ready to chat with your friends. You will see a conversation page and start to get a connection with your friends by choosing them from the list. As a reminder for iOS the new message button is just in the upper right corner and for Android you need to tap the ‘’+’’ button which is  the lower right corner and select the ‘’Write Message’’ button. If you want to add new friends for your Messenger, you can find them by typing names. While texting there is no limits, you can write as long as you want no restriction like in some other apps or SMS. You will see emoji button on the right middle side of the page, there are lots of emojis in there to make your conversation more enjoyable. If you want to have more, you can have them just by downloading. There is also a thumb up button next to the emoji ones and you can also use them just by clicking during your conversation. Encolouring your conversation page is possible too. There is a setting part and you can change them as you desire. On the right side of the conversation thanks to small picture you can see how far the other people have read. Besides sending emojis, you can also send images, video, stickers, GIFs and audio notes. Throughout the internet is connected on your phone, you can make a phone or video call on Messenger. You can also share your location with friends as it was mentioned before. Adding more apps like Dropbox, GIF Keyboard, GIPHY, Bitmoji, Tumblr to Messenger is possible. To reach more about Messenger from your desktop browser you can visit web page. Messenger is the most common and popular conversation app used by many people all around the world, if you don’t use it yet you can start to join that large majority by installing and having it.



Snapchat which provides both taking photos and capturing videos with the new various notes addition is now the new trend among the teenages.The posts shared with this app can be seen betwwen 1-10 secods and cannot be seen after by your friends.All the necessary informations about this app which can easily be downloaded and used in smartphones are told in the text below.
With the increase of using smartphones,sharing photos and videos on social media have raised on a big scale.After these posts which are quitely popular on social media,some apps has been designed which allow to capture videos and taking photos.
With these app,taking photos and capturing videos has become funnier with new effects.
Snapchat is an app that allows you to take photos and capture videos,in addition to these,lets you add the notes that you written on the photos.Snapchat users are consisted of teenagers just like other social media ones.Teenagers,who try to spare their time funnier,can send funny photos and videos to each other thanks to the Snapchat.Snapchat is now become the new trend of teeneages by having the feature that allows person can see the posts shared only once.

Snapchat is a social message application that allows you to taking photos and capturing videos by adding notes on them and sharing them with your friends. The posts shared with this app can be seen betwwen 1-10 secods and cannot be seen after by your friends.The most important and different feature that seen is this.But don’t forget that these photos can be taken by using the screenshot programs even if they delete themselves after being seen. Screenshot can also let photos taken.

The usage of app is quite easy.The steps given below let you use the app easily.Firstly,Yoy must download the app and log in.In the beginning,you can see the users of snapchat from your contact list.You can add them to your list in this step.Or else,the program doesn’t let you to share photos.

After adding friends,you only need to pusht the round button on the screen when you want to take a photo.You can capture videoif you push to button longly.After taking photos,you can decide how many seconds the person that you sent can see your photo when you click the button showsthe seconds.Using the app is very easy as it is seen.Also you can add notes on videos and photos,can have new visuals.Youcan reach these details in the below.
After opening the app,youcan reach the settings by clicking the rear symbol on the up right corner.You can prepare the settings as you wish after clicking the ‘’manage’’ tab.In the new patch,after taking photos,you can make some drawings by clicking the pencil symbol on the right up corner.When you want to change the color,you can select colour you wanted from the palette opened from up to down,then you can draw in different colours.
In addition to these,you can add quite interesting filtersto your photos only by sliding your finger left or right.Time,place,speed,weather,sepya etc.. can be added thanks to this feature that make you spend your time funnier.
-The fact thatyour phone doesn’t have a front camera flash won’t be an obstacle to take a photo.You can take photos in the dark places with your front camera thanks to Snapchat.You can solve this problem by opening the flash from the up left corner.
-By clicking to the screen two times quickly,you can change the cameras in a fast way.
-If you want to decrease the seeing time of your photo,You can make the required settings by using the clock symbol in the down left corner.
-If you want to save the photos that you liked when sharing to you phone,You can save them by clicking the symbol in the down left corner.
-By creating storieswith the photos and videos captured with this app,you can share these with your other friends.You need to touch the screen one time if you want to pass the photos that you don’t like from the stories.
-You need to touch the ‘’plus’’ button in the down left corner to create a story.

Your photos and videos that you shared in the Snapchat which is an instant message app can be seen in a short moment and deleted later.Users can send texts,records,photos or videos to each other with this app.The post which their seeing times are determined before are deleted from the users phones by the Snapchat server.The users of the app are consisted of 70 percent women and mostly preferred in USA and England.


1)If you want to add a different music the your video background,you can open it from your phone and capture the video.
2)You can also share a photo from your gallery with your friends in Snapchat.
3)There is a limit in notes when you write.But you can change the scale of letters.For this,download the ‘’notes’’app.Down 5 times to below with enter button.Then copy them by taking all and paste to the Snapchat.You can write in a bigger place by this way.
4)You can save a screenshot without letting the other person know it.You only need to download AZ Screen Recorder app for this.When you take a Snap,open the recorder appbefore opening the Snapchat.Then open the Snap came to you.After you watch the Snap,you can returnt to the Snap Recorder app and stop it.Thanks to this you can take screenshots wtihout sending notification to the other person.You can use Quick time app in Iphone.
5)You can use the stickers that you created with Snapchat Geofilters by determining date and place gaps.This feature is paid by the way.It is a good feature forusing wedding and birthday organizations.
6)Zoom in any sticker continiously and when the pixels of the sticker comes,use these pixels as a filter to your photo.
7)You can change the camera when you are capturing a video and also zoom in and out in this process.
8)Snapchat serves you a special brightness features to you when you are preaparing a post and there is a lackness of light.You can change the brightness of your photo or video with this feature.You can use this crescent shaped button which reveals from the top in the daylight by pushing your hands on the camera to change the brightness of the photos.
9)There is not a group chat in Snapchat but by giving the first letters of the alphabet to the friends that you usually chat with,you can find them easier on the contact list.
10)If you want to delete the cookies on the cache in Snapchat to take yourselfinto guaranty,I recommend you to delete all the cache files.
11)If you fix the stickers to the screen by pushing them continiously,they start to follow the object on the screen they fixed.
12)If you want to learn that whether a person added you in Snapchat or not,check his score from his profile.If you can’t see it,then he did’nt added you.



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